TINDER COLLECTION For Fires to Be Kindled & Fires to Be Quenched: A Future Repository.
This world-order [kosmos], the same of all, no god nor man did create, but it ever was and is and will be: everlasting Fire, kindling in measures & being quenched in measures. -Heraclitus, 500 BC
tin-der - n. - materials which will readily ignite with a spark, ie: cotton balls
tinder bag - n. - a satchel for collecting and storing tinder for naturalist, survivalists, nomads and others oft in need of building fires in the rain.
tin-der - n. - materials which will readily ignite with a spark, ie: cotton balls
tinder bag - n. - a satchel for collecting and storing tinder for naturalist, survivalists, nomads and others oft in need of building fires in the rain.
Seeking to excavate and record conceptualizations of tinder across demographics and dimensions, we ask with this participatory installation: If all is fire, what of it shall be kindled & what of it will be quenched? What tinder will ignite or snuff out the fires (metaphorical, metaphysical, emotional, actual, etc) we cultivate in our lives and the lives of others? Can this contemplative exercise provide prescriptions for healing ourselves, our communities, our world?