Landlooker Society About the Landlookers // Residency // Landlooker Treasury  // Gear & Publications

The Landlooker Society supports artists and other contemplative makers and thinkers who are seeking an integrated human home within the web of life on land and in the cosmos.

Historically, landlooking was a vocation that involved searching for prime timber land - yet untouched by foresters, with accessible terrain for ingress and egress, and abundant stands of marketable trees. Much like the oil and gas landmen of today, these landlookers were tasked with surveying the land through the primary lens of natural resources, free for extraction.

The environmentalist and wholist in us may sense irony here. An intuitive reading of the word landlooker might be one who views the land, or here specifically a forest, with a sense of value beyond commerce and a curiosity for the seen and unseen exchanges that make our life on earth possible. This is the reading that the Landlooker Society chooses to embrace and embody.

The Landlooker Society is an evolving project headquartered in the southern Humboldt Hills of Northern California on traditional Wailaki lands. It is overseen by artist Anne Beck who  first encountered the landlooker and its historical meaning at Hartwick Pines State Park among the last old growth forest of white pine in Michigan, and has been weaving it throughout her practice since.
Landlooking Tenets, wip
  1. Lean back
  2. Practice protracted thoughtful observation*
  3. Forest dwell
  4. Be close to the source
  5. Be thankful and giving
  6. Slow, roam, meander, amble
  7. Lead from the belly, from the heart, from the pelvis
  8. Live by the moon
  9. Wake with the sun
  10. Listen to the dream seas
  11. Feel the cosmos within
  12. Embrace stillness
*Bill Mollison, Permaculture, 1990

Contact Information: 

Anne Beck
PO Box 286 
Garberville, CA

 @landlookersociety